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Protect your golf clubs with Pro Defender’s Golf Bag alarm

If you’re one of those golfers who, like me, tends to leave their clubs unattended for any length of time – popping into the pro shop for some new golf balls, or nipping to the loo in the locker room before heading to the first tee, for example – then you might be opening yourself up to an unnecessary theft of your equipment from an opportunistic thief.

Us golfers are a trusting lot, and we rarely think such a thing could happen to us. After all, we’re all gentlemen and robbing another golfer just wouldn’t be cricket!

But Pro Defender have developed a device designed to offer some protection against theft of unattended golf bags, and while the device has been on the market for some time we thought it would be an idea to let golfers know about the product who might have missed it.

To the untrained eye or unsuspecting criminal Pro Defender’s Golf Bag Alarm System resembles a regular golf ball. It works by detecting movement of the bag via a motion sensor which can be switched on or off with the supplied key-fob. When activated, if the device senses movement the in-built alarm will emit a shrill alarm sound while a radio transmitter sends a signal to the key fob receiver.

I’ve yet to try one, but shall do in the near future. But readers, have you tried the Pro Defender Golf Bag Alarm system? Do you think it’s a worthwhile device for golfers to have, or another gimmicky item?

If you’ve tried it let us know your thoughts on the device in the comments!

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