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Lee Westwood in Dubai

Exclusive Challenge, Interview & More

In January 2019, we went to Dubai with our Chief Holiday Officer - Lee Westwood; YGT Rory picked Lee's brains on his incredible experiences over the past 26 years, while also filming some brilliant challenges at The Els Club Dubai. Dubai has seen unrivalled levels of development over the past 20 years, making it an annual feature on the European Tour, as well as one of the world’s most sought after golf holiday destinations.

To see unique content from one of its flagship venues, a tour regular speak on The Masters and The Ryder Cup and our very own YGT Rory perform his regular heroics in front of camera, then make sure to check out the videos below - remembering you can play and attend all courses and tournaments covered.

Lee Westood in the YGT Wildcard Challenge

Lee Westwood talks Golf in Dubai, The Masters, Ryder Cup & More

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